Thermo Fisher Scientific
Healthcare Products Infographic Posters
I had a fantastic opportunity to work on this exciting project for Thermo Fisher Scientific; to creating an effective, downloadable asset aimed to position Thermo Fisher Scientific as a reliable and knowledgeable partner that provides high quality critical healthcare products. This design focuses on a large technical illustration (illustrated by myself) in the centre, to draw the viewer in, followed by neatly presented smaller information distributed around to inform and educate.
The client loved the result of this project so much that it is officially in their Global brand guidelines. How cool!
The client loved the result of this project so much that it is officially in their Global brand guidelines. How cool!
Software ︎
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Thermo Fisher Scientific
Analytical Instruments Brand Assets & Animation
I have also brought to life Thermo Fisher’s Analytical Instruments ‘Food for Thought’ campaign through animation, designed to improve awareness and consideration for Thermo Fisher Scientific Food Analysis equipment with core decision-makers/food manufacturers to drive $21M in Australia by 2025. Campaign design by Jess Joshston.